I got mental issues too!and a few more things about me


My mental disorder(s) you should acknowledge, some self diagnosed but i need to see a professional for clarification, so take these with a grain of salt if the following list has [?] on it

Some other stuff i do

Some other things i do on the side.


Stuff i'll answer before you ask


- Autism (High Functioning)
- Depression
all ya need to know. I may also have Bipolar and/or ADHD but thats something to be properly diagnosed before i add them to the list. I may also have C-PTSD or GAD (General Anxiety Disorder), again needs to be confirmed by a professional.

Other Hobbies

Along with art, im learning in other things too, right now im trying to get a good grip on 3d modeling, so for a start of mine im using HeroForge. For now, i make occasional posts about my creations, so when you see one on my profile, im more comfy with it being seen in public.The website for HeroForge is put next to the back button for you to try out :D
Its main purpose is to help design ur character for DnD stuff, but i use it for other means. You can order figures of ur characters too there, prices vary. [not sponsored i just really like this site]


Alright, stuff you ALSO need to know if ur gonna ask me questions i already have answers for.- Comms?

- Patreon?
Kofi instead. Patreon im working towards.
- Schedule?
COMPLETELY RANDOM. Idk when im online or not bc of work and/or life.

Jobless as of current.
- Age?
Read my bio, please for the love of god have at least enough braincells to know that.
- Single?
Yes. Ready to mingle? Hell no.
- Whats in the pants?
- Rp?
Yes. Just not with people i dont know :)
- "yOu sHOulD mAke A SFw AccoUnT!!!"
Im not making a second one bc of twitter being stupid. As much as i would like to make a second account it would be heavily limited til i add a phone number and if im gonna be frank theres a reason why i put fake phone numbers on them to keep them off of me. I also already have one other account, planning to purge it to be strictly an art account that doesnt do anything other than post my art.
- Why dont you list your disorders/other useful info online?
i dont wanna burden you with that bullshit, plus its not part of my personality.


sunspot from fork knief,,

I cannot stress this enough to mention.COMMON SENSE IS THE BEST SENSE.If you have a problem with me or my content, either leave me the fuck alone, or don't make a public scene.